Registered and headquartered in Faridabad, CPC RealTech Pvt. Ltd. is poised to make inroads as a name to note in the property market.

The company was formed in September 2013. It is a dream venture founded by Aditya Mehra and subsequently joined by Saurabh Dadhich, who found a footing in the real estate space with a sum total of over 21 years work experience in the Banking arena, and 10 years of Realty and Construction experience.
A clear understanding of client requirements, backed by sound analytical techniques, cemented with extraordinary professional ethics, comprise the principles that are the bedrock on which CPC RealTech Pvt. Ltd. is founded.

about boc

Complemented by in-depth knowledge base, the company offers customised realty solutions in the spheres of:

India’s unique Real Estate Consultation and Construction Company powered by professionals, driven by technology. CPC has disrupted the Real Estate Construction Industry by bringing construction convenience at your fingertips. Our customers are empowered with Real-time project information in just a swipe through our special mobile phone application.